Today's Racing Digest's Santa Anita Fractional Charting Consistently Out Perform The Competition
In a study comparing win pick results from Today's Racing Digest features and 4 of the most popular handicapping pick websites for year to date racing for the 2024 Winter meet at Santa Anita (December 26, 2023 - February 18, 2024) Today's Racing Digest continues to provide the most consistently profitable picks available.
Santa Anita Picks That Provided The Highest Payouts
Today's Racing Digest Fractional Charting gives you a projected pace of the race allowing you to see potential pace scenarios that can be favorable in today's race conditions. For the 2024 Santa Anita winter meet to date (Dec. 24 - Feb. 18), Fractional Charting's top charting horse provided a flat bet profit of 5% with an average payout per win of $7.31.
Today's Racing Digest's Consensus Analysts win picks came in at close second with a negative 2.8% profit while Quick Picks Top Choice and Fast Figs provided a negative 8.9% and 10.9% profit for the meet-to-date. All of these features are included every race day in Santa Anita's Complete Digest.
Utilizing Today's Racing Digest's proprietary projected running lines and performance figures our staff of handicappers are able to more consistently uncover horses that the rest of the betting public often misses while using traditional past performance products. For the 2023 Santa Anita fall meet Today's Racing Digest's win picks paid an average $6.29 per win which gave total win payouts of $276.80. See that study here.
The results listed above were from a study conducted from win picks available from the handicapping services listed in the left column for Santa Anita's 2024 winter meet-to-date. Today's Racing Digest's products consistently outperform other handicapping services due to our extensive experience and knowledge of the southern California racing circuit leveraged with our exclusive projected past performances and performance figures that normalize each horses past performance to reflect how they are expected to perform in today's race. No other handicapping service has the ability to closely predict the outcome of each race before the horses even enter the starting gate.
In some cases there are fewer picks listed from a handicapping service. The reason for this is either the pick(s) weren't available for that day or the horse(s) were scratched from the race and that pick was removed from the results. These results are accurate and none of the picks have been manipulated, changed or edited in anyway. For questions please contact us a