How to Handicap Horses With Track Profiles
Each horse has a running style that produces his or her best effort. Each track, at each distance has a prevailing running style that produces more winner's. Putting these two pieces of the handicapping puzzle together can result in more consistent winning tickets.
Today's Racing Digest's Track Profile tabulates the winning (as well as place and show) running styles for each track at each distance and displays them in an easy-to-read format. The Track Profile allows the handicapper to concentrate on those horses whose running styles are currently winning at a particular distance, while avoiding those underlays whose running styles will be hurt by the prevailing Track Profile. The statistics provided show the total number of races and the style of the winners as well as the place and show horse.
The Track Profile is run weekly 2 weeks following the start of the meet. For the first 2 weeks of any meet we will provide the Track Profile for the entire period of the last live meet for that track.
View available Track Profile Reports
The running styles are broken down into four categories: