Track Profile

Quickly See Which Running Styles Win at Each Distance

You can now easily narrow down a field to only those contenders whose running styles are currently winning at a particular distance while avoiding those underlays whose running styles will be hurt by the prevailing Track Profiles.

Track Profile Available Files

TrackPriceFri 28thSat 29thSun 30th
Gulfstream Park$2.00-
Oaklawn Park$2.00--
Santa Anita$2.00

Increase Your Win % by Betting On The Running Styles that Win

Each horse has a running style that produces his or her best effort. Each track, at each distance has a prevailing running style that produces more winner’s. Putting these two pieces of the handicapping puzzle together can result in more consistent winning tickets.

Increase Your Win % By Betting Horses That Fit The Conditions

Comprehensive Easy to Use One Page Report

Each Report covers one track with every distance and surface run

Quickly see the # of races included in each distance studied

Each surface type is broken down by distances

The time from for the study is listed at the top of the report

Today's Racing Digest's Horse Racing Track Profile gives you winning percentages by track surface and distance for each running style
Track Profile gives Running Styles that consistently win, place and show at different horse race distance and surfaces

Make More Profitable Betting Decisions

Easily identify false favorites whose running styles don't match the race profile.

See the number of races studied and the win % for each running style

Learn how often each running style finishes first, second and third

See the # of races used in each result giving you confidence in your betting decisions

Simple to Use for All Levels of Horseplayers

Make quicker betting decisions with the easy to follow format

F = Front-runners (always within one length of the lead)

E = Pace-pressers (within 1-3 lengths of the early lead)

M = Mid-packers (within 3-5 lengths of the early lead)

R = Rear-runners (more than 5 lengths back early)

Horse Racing Track Profile Running Styles tell you which running styles win which race conditions