Tag Archives: Rudy Rodriguez

Spooky Lady: Can Graduate With Rider Upgrade

A change of tactics were used here as the filly sat in midpack early. Her jock is not exactly the strongest of riders, but she did well to run on late to finish 3rd and maybe she is best as a laterunner. If so, then maybe she can graduate in her next start especially with […]

Tempermental: Steadied at The Turn Behind Wall Horses But Rallied Well

Raced along the rail up the backstretch while sitting behind the two frontrunners. She had to steady entering the turn and was behind a wall of horses entering the stretch. The jock moved her to the outside and she rallied well, but the winner got the jump on her entering the stretch and clear sailing […]

Bad Connection: Good Debut but Tired Late. Watch Works for Next Start | Upcoming Race:Finger Lakes July 30, 2024

Not a bad debut as she broke on top and raced outside of a three horse duel up the backstretch. She made a run for the lead entering the stretch, but tired in the late stages to finish midpack. Conditioning can only help this filly and she might not stop next time out. Next Upcoming […]