How to Handicap Horses With Fast Figs
Fast Figs are what class, speed and pace figure players have been waiting for.
Speed, pace and class are incorporated into one number and are listed for each rateable horse on today's card. This rating is a combined class/performance figure based on the horse's overall effort and the strength and level of the fields faced. Horse's scoring within FIVE points of the top figures should be considered contenders in today's race. if a horse's rating is following by a (+) it means a horse may be ready to improve on to day's figure. Generally, a plus (+) is potentially worth an additional FIVE points. Runners rated 'X' are either first-time starters, shippers from a new circuit, comebackers off more than four months or horses that simply could not be assigned a reliable rating. The Par (the average winning number for each class) is also listed for all the races.
There is no mechanical system that works all the time but then there are not handicappers who win all the time either, no matter how hard they work or what claims they make. What follows is a "quick pick" method based on the Fast Fig numbers that appear daily in Today's Racing Digest. You don't need a Form, you just need a Digest, an official program and access to near-post-time odds. Here it is:
STEP ONE--Pass races with a heavy "x" factor. In 11/12-horse fields, pass if there are four 'x' horses among the program entrants. In 9/10-horse fields, pass if there are three. In 5/6/7/8-horse fields, pass with two.
STEP TWO--Determine the contenders by stacking the Fast Figs in order. Include all horses that rate within FIVE points of the top choice OR the top three-rated horses, if they rate within 10 points of high. Remember to give horses with a plus(+) credit for five extra points. For example, a 104+ equates to 109.
STEP THREE--List the contenders' Morning Line next to their 'Fig. Eliminate contenders that have a price that is the same or lower than the number of contenders remaining to this point. For example, if four horses remain after Step Two, the Morning Line odds must be 9/2 or higher.
STEP FOUR--Multiply the number of remaining contenders by THREE to establish the required odds for an acceptable bet. If one contender meets this requirement, play it to Win/Place. If two meet the requirement, play both to Win.